Waste Transfer Station
The Waste Transfer Station is an important link to our community's total waste management system that understands the challenges, opportunities and unique issues of managing waste.
Read moreReUse Market
The Mount Gambier ReUse Market aims to reduce landfill by reusing and upcycling useful items and is a place where you can get anything and everything second hand - building materials, bikes, sports gear, garden equipment, spare parts, bric-a-brac, furniture etc.
Read moreWater
Water is a precious resource, without which life is not possible. Save water, save money and protect the environment.
Read moreEnergy
Save energy, save money and help the environment.
Read moreSustainable Living
Sustainable living is smart living. Learn how to save money, improve your health and wellbeing, and tread lighter on our environment by learning from people in our community who are already doing it.
Read moreNatural Environment
We all depend on the natural environment for clean air, water and a host of other environmental services. The majority of the natural ecosystems in the South East have been degraded or removed. It is essential that we protect what is remaining, and work to improve the natural environment for future generations.
Read moreFood and Garden
Mount Gambier Edible City aims to promote the development of Mount Gambier’s local food culture – encouraging residents to grow their own food, whilst supporting existing local food producers to connect with and educate the community.
Read moreTransport
Riding, walking and scooting is not only good for the environment it's also better for you health, not to mention cheaper than running a car (which can be over $17,000 a year). Taking public transport is also better for the environment.
Read moreE-Waste
Unwanted computer and electrical equipment can be dropped off for recycling at the Waste Transfer Station.
Read moreWaste and Recycling - Educational
Not sure what to recycle and where? Find some helpful tips and tricks to maximise your recycling efforts.
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