The provision of dual naming at significant sites across our city is important in acknowledging the Boandik Peoples as the Traditional Owners and custodians of the land where Mount Gambier (Berrin) sits today.
The implementation of dual naming has been many years in the making and is a key action within Council’s Yerkalalpata Reconciliation Action Plan. In close collaboration with Elders, community leaders, Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation and the Bunganditj Language Reclamation Group, a Dual Naming Policy has been endorsed, highlighting the introduction of dual naming to six key initial sites and creating the framework for the consideration of additional names in the future.
The dual names are:
Umpherston Sinkhole/Balumbul (Bah-loom-bool)
Blue Lake/Warwar (Waa-wore)
Valley Lake/Ketla Malpi (Ket-lah mah-l-pi)
Leg of Mutton/Yatton Loo (Yah-ton-loo)
Browne Lake/Kroweratwari (Kroh-weh-rat-wah-ri)
Cave Garden/Thugi (Th-oo-gi)
Click on the Bunganditj name to hear the correct pronunciation.
The City of Mount Gambier will lead the process in implementing dual naming across the six key sites, commencing with digital publications and the gradual transition of signage and other references across the city.
We encourage our broader community to join with us in extending respect to our Boandik Peoples and all First Nations people who live in or connect with Mount Gambier through the adoption of each of the new dual names when communicating these sites in print or spoken form.
Council will continue to work alongside our community to assist with the transition towards the new names.
For more information about dual naming or any of Council’s reconciliation activities, please contact Council’s Reconciliation Project Officer on (08) 8721 2555 or email