Not only will DACO simplify Council’s dog or cat management needs, but it will streamline the process for councils, vets and animal welfare agencies too, providing instant access to information from around the state. This will help them reunite lost dogs or cats quicker.
The changes will also incorporate the implementation of new laws regarding compulsory microchipping and desexing of dogs and cats.
DACO will be administered through this website:
Registered dogs and cats if applicable will be transferred from their council register to Dogs and Cats Online. Owners will need to log in during the registration renewal period, 1 July to 31 August 2018, to check and update their details prior to payment.
Some microchip numbers may not have been recorded on some Council systems and therefore will not be able to be uploaded in the transition.
The renewal notice arriving in the post in July will have a unique code on it which will need to be entered onto Dogs and Cats Online, along with the owner’s surname, to proceed to create an owner profile. Concession card information can be entered into the system during the renewal process and the fee will automatically be recalculated.
A step by step flyer will accompany the renewal notice to assist owners through the transition process to the new registration database. Electronic instructions will also be available to users on the Dogs and Cats Online site.
You will be issued with a dog registration disc that displays the dog’s permanent registration number. The registration number will be valid once full payment of fees has been received each year.
No, if your dog is already currently registered, your registration details will be migrated to the DACO portal administered by the Dog and Cat Management Board.
Legislation will allow for the dog to be six months of age before it needs to be desexed. The desexing discount will not apply until the following year’s registration.
Council officers will likely be in contact with the dog owner, or during possible unregistered dog checks.
Also, all impounded dogs will be checked and the owners will be given a timeframe to comply. Expiations for failing to desex and microchip your dog may apply.
Yes, unless it has an approved exemption from a licensed vet.
Yes, vets will input microchip/desexing info direct into DACO. Pet owners will also be able to input data and change details online themselves from July 1 2018.
Residents can visit the Civic Centre, 10 Watson Terrace, Mount Gambier, SA, 5290, where a City of Mount Gambier Customer Service Officer will help you complete the online process.
Yes, a renewal will be sent to you each year. However, no new tag will be sent. The initial tag will be the only one sent – this is a lifetime tag.
Dog tags and replacement tags will be issued via DACO through the post, even if payment is made at Council.
Dog tags are now provided for the lifetime of your pet and a small fee will likely apply for replacement tags.
New pet owners will need to access the DACO site and put in the details for the new dog or cat.
Owners will then receive an email with a unique “user ID” code and they can then go online again and submit a password.
For a renewal registration they will receive a unique renewal code and need to type in their last name.
DACO will be administered through this website:
The owner can change the status of their dog on the DACO site and future registration reminders will not be sent if the dog has a ‘deceased’ status.
No, you cannot transfer the dog details to a new dog.
DACO will be administered through this website:
The old owner will have to go online and give permission for the transfer (a section on the site).
The new owner will then need to update the new information.
DACO will be administered through this website:
Yes you do need to register and microchip your cat. However, currently the City of Mount Gambier does not require a payment for cat registration.
Adding a cat to DACO has many benefits including easy access to information should it be lost/found. We encourage the addition of cats to the online system.
All cats and dogs will need to be microchipped from 1 July, 2018.
Residents and vets will able to enter the details of the cat on the DACO system, allowing for the cat microchipping information to be collected.
Currently, however, the City of Mount Gambier does not require a payment for cat registration.
Adding a cat to DACO has many benefits including easy access to information should it be lost/found. We encourage the addition of cats to the on-line system.
NB: If you are unable to pay electronically, you’ll need to visit the Civic Centre, 10 Watson Terrace Mount Gambier, where a customer service officer will assist you.
In the unfortunate event that your beloved pet should go missing log in to to report it as lost.
Should a member of the public then find your pet they can visit the site, see that it is reported as missing and easily obtain your contact details.
If you happen to find a dog or cat and it is wearing a registration tag you should visit to see if the owner has reported it missing and attempt to get in contact with them.
These simple steps will help to ensure that pets are returned to their rightful owners as quickly as possible.
Download detailed instructions below.
Yes, BPAY will be available. Other payment options online will include credit card and BPoint.
As part of this changeover to Dogs and Cats Online our council is required to remove all concession information we had previously recorded for discounted Dog Registration Fees.
Therefore, if you have a Pensioner Card, Health Care Card, Seniors Health Card or DVA Gold Card you will be required to re-apply for this concession through Dogs and Cats Online to receive the discounted fees.
You will receive your registration renewal mid July 2018 from Dogs and Cats online. It will contain your new LIFETIME dog identification number and tag. You will be required to make your payment to Dogs and Cats Online and update any information (including concessions), this will allocate the appropriate fee to be paid.
Cash payments can still be processed at the Civic Centre, 10 Watson Terrace, Mount Gambier, SA, 5290.
Residents who don’t have access to the online system from July 1 2018, can visit the Civic Centre at 10 Watson Terrace Mount Gambier and a customer service officer will help to complete the online process.