The City of Mount Gambier promotes good food safety practices, to prevent food poisoning through education, site visits and awareness raising activities. Raising awareness about safe food handling practices is important for both the food industry and general community.
News and Updates
Current Food Recall Information: Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Under the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, all persons undertaking or supervising food handling operations (including food businesses, sporting clubs, charities and not-for profit organisations) are required to have skills and knowledge of food safety and food hygiene matters commensurate with their work activities.
Free Online Food Safety Training - I'm Alert
Free Online Food Safety Training - Do Food Safely
All food businesses (including charities, fundraising events and mobile food vendors (MFV) must notify Council of their contact details and the nature of their food business through completing a Food Business Notification Form and/or MFV Notification prior to commencing food handling operations. Please ensure your food business notification details are kept up to date with Council.
Food premises are routinely inspected by the City of Mount Gambier Council for food handling and hygiene practices. Council undertakes food safety inspections to ensure that premises are complying with the Food Safety Standards of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
To assist commencing businesses a New Food Business fact sheet has been developed as a guide and is available on this page under Local Food Safety Fact Sheets. It is recommended that prior to commencing a business you make an appointment with Authorised Officers to discuss requirements under the SA Food Act, SA Food Regulations and Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. A Food Safety Information Kit may be provided which contains a copy of relevant standards, fact sheets, Food Business Notification form and training DVD. Authorised officers are available to meet onsite at proposed premises and provide guidance on suitability of existing infrastructure and renovations required to comply with relevant legislation.
If you are concerned about practices you have witnessed occur at a food business in the City of Mount Gambier council area, you can report it to authorised officers using the food complaint form below. Food complaints refer to issues that may impact on the safety of food and do not include the quality of meals or customer service.
Examples of relevant food complaints that may negatively affect the safety of food are included on the complaint form. It is recommended that if you are concerned, in the first instance speak with the food business owner or manager, as they may be able to explain or rectify the issue immediately.
Community groups and schools are able to request food safety presentations from authorised officers by writing to Council. Presentations include food handler hygiene and health, appropriate storage of food and hand washing demonstrations and can be adjusted slightly to suit audiences.
- Food Safety at home The Food Safety Information Council reports that of the estimated 5.4 million cases of food poisoning in Australia each year, one third are thought to be caused by food handling in the home. Basic steps to help prevent food poisoning include following the four tips: Clean, Cook, Chill and Separate. See the documents below for more food safety information in the home or view the links provided under ‘other resources’. Preventing Food Poisoning at Home.
- Food Safety in an emergency at home - Emergency situations can be frightening and overwhelming. SA Health has provided a fact sheet to assist where there are warnings or indications that a power outage, flood or fire may occur in your area. It is recommended you make food safety part of your household emergency plan, print and read the below fact sheet, gather recommended items and store with this information in a safe place.
- Food Safety Week Is held during the first week of November and highlights the importance of food safety and preventing food poisoning in the community. A range of activities are held in Mount Gambier based on the annual topic set by the Food Safety Information.
- Food Safety Newsletter - September 2022 (1.32 MB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - December 2021 (7.28 MB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - March 2021 (5.95 MB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - November 2020 (666 KB)
- COVID-19 Customer Density Poster (340 KB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - August 2020 (1.16 MB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - May 2020 (2.81 MB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - November 2019 (5.61 MB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - August 2019 (503 KB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - May 2019 (364 KB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - February 2019 (386 KB)
- Food Safety Newsletter Food Poisoning Bacteria Table (724 KB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - August 2018 (190 KB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - February 2018 (215 KB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - August 2017 (192 KB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - February 2017 (72 KB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - October 2016 (786 KB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - February 2016 (358 KB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - February 2015 (300 KB)
- Food Safety Newsletter - October 2014 (209 KB)
- Food Safety Food Businesses and Allergens (597 KB)
- SA Health Fact Sheet - Food safety in an emergency (501 KB)
- Food Safety Training (117 KB)
- New Food Business Leaflet (76 KB)
- Home Based Food Business Leaflet (44 KB)
- BBQ Sausage Sizzle Leaflet (133 KB)
- SA Health - Food Safety Rating Scheme (368 KB)
- SA Health - Using Thermometers in Food (111 KB)
- SA Health - Home Business Activities (504 KB)
- SA Health - Hand Washing (111 KB)
- SA Health - Provision of Hand Wash Facilities (485 KB)
- SA Health - Ready-to-Eat Food - Listeria Specifications (502 KB)
- SA Health - Responsibility of Food Handlers with Gastrointestinal Illness (434 KB)
- SA Health - Food Preparation Cleaning and Sanitising (112 KB)
- SA Health - Cleaning and Sanitising Mechanical Equipment (115 KB)
- SA Health - Bulletin - Cleaning and Sanitation of Mechanical Equipment (443 KB)
- Health Information Leaflet - Short Term Holiday Accommodation and B&B (237 KB)
- Example Temperature Control Log Sheet (20 KB)
The City of Mount Gambier encourages and supports Mobile Food Vendors to create vibrant and active streets and public places as a part of daily life throughout the City. A condition of a permit authorising a mobile food vending business to operate on a public road in the Council area is that the permit holder complies with location rules adopted by the Council under section 225A of the Local Government Act. To read the location rules or to download a permit application see Mobile Food Vendors.