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Tertiary Health Education Grants

The Mount Gambier and District Tertiary Health Education Grants have been offered every year since 2007 as a response to meeting essential skills shortages within the local health sector.

The program supports students who need to leave the region in order to undertake specific university studies within the health sector and seeks to encourage their return to the region as skilled health professionals upon completion of their studies.

Each year, a limited number of grants are made available to new or continuing students. Funds are provided through a unique community partnership consisting of individuals, commercial and community oriented groups.

The grant is available to support students with costs directly associated with their tertiary studies such as travel, accommodation, text books and uniforms.

Applications close on 31 March 2025.

For more information about the grants, please contact Council on 8721 2555.

The Mount Gambier and District Tertiary Health Education Grants program is supported by City of Mount Gambier, District Council of Grant, UFS Chemist, Flinders Rural Health SA, Mount Gambier and District Community Bank, Rotary Club of Mount Gambier Lakes, and individual donors.