Council continues to support and offer a Heritage Advisory Service to City residents.
The objectives of the service are to:
- Provide for the proper care and management of heritage places,
- Create and promote a local awareness and responsibility for the care of heritage places, and
- Provide a service which encourages and assists property owners to take care of their heritage places on a voluntary basis, thereby developing a positive community view of heritage conservation.
Heritage Places
The South East Heritage Adviser works closely and collaboratively with Council's Regulatory Services Division to:
- Provide advice on the development of heritage places to both Council and property owners,
- Provide advice on assessment of development applications,
- Provide advice on the development of conservation and interpretation strategies,
- Provide advice in respect of historic townscapes and streetscapes,
- Provide advice on development of Council Policies,
- Provide advice on funding and incentives,
- Participation with the City of Mount Gambier Heritage Advisory Group, and
- Promotion of heritage within the community.
The heritage advisory service is free of charge and available to the public once a month (unless otherwise determined).
Appointments may be made by phoning (08) 8721 2555.