Under Section 83 of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, Council must establish an Assessment Panel. Together with the District Council of Grant, the District Council of Robe and the Wattle Range Council, the City of Mount Gambier have formed the Limestone Coast Southern Regional Assessment Panel (RAP). The membership of the panel must be comprised of not more than five members, all of whom are Independent (meaning that they are not Elected Members of the Council or Members of State Parliament). A person is appointed as a Panel Member for a term of two years, after which they are eligible to reapply. The RAP operates in accordance with its Terms of Reference and meeting procedures (refer to link below).
The primary role of RAP is to determine whether or not to grant Development Plan Consent for development applications under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. The RAP makes its decisions in accordance with the provisions contained within the Planning and Design Code and the Council’s cannot influence or overturn any decision made by the RAP.
Membership of the RAP, including the appointment of the RAP Presiding Member is determined by the four Council’s through an Expression of Interest process.
Selection for membership to the RAP is based on:
- the candidate’s knowledge of the operation and requirements of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and if they hold qualifications, expertise and skills in a field that is relevant to the activities of the RAP.
The Regional Assessment Panel meets on the third Thursday of each month commencing at 5:00pm (unless otherwise determined).