Asbestos Registers
Council maintains a system of asbestos registers for all Council owned and leased buildings. Council's asbestos register program covers the identification of suspect materials through inspection, testing of suspect materials, creation of registers, maintenance of registers and re-inspection on an annual basis in all buildings. Where a building contains asbestos, a register must be displayed and suspect materials must be labelled. Council is committed to raising awareness about asbestos issues with all groups/organisations using Council's buildings. Council will assist these groups to identify the asbestos products in the building and facilitate the safe handling procedures for asbestos. Asbestos registers have identified the location, the extent and type of asbestos contained within all buildings on Council property.
Asbestos - safe removal
The Waste Transfer Station will accept non-friable asbestos. Before transporting, the asbestos must be wrapped and sealed in two (2) layers of 0.2 mm thick impact resistant plastic such as concreters plastic and kept damp. At least 24 hours notice must be given to the Waste Transfer Station. Click here for Waste Transfer Station contact details and opening hours.
For further disposal information, please refer to EPA Guidelines regarding asbestos.