The City of Mount Gambier is committed to the continuous review and development of information, services and facilities to ensure equitable access and inclusion for all within our community.
In October 2020 the City of Mount Gambier endorsed its first Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP).
The City of Mount Gambier Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2020-2024 is structured around the themes and focus areas of the Inclusive SA: State Disability Inclusion Plan 2019 - 2023.
1. Inclusive communities for all
2. Leadership and collaboration
3. Accessible communities
4. Learning and employment
The City of Mount Gambier Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) has been developed through consultation with our community and staff, addressing focus areas within our community and providing awareness of disability and equitable access. The plan will be implemented as a strategic document that will be integrated throughout Council policies, procedures and business plans.
To provide feedback on the plan visit or phone 08 8721 2555.
Changing Places Facility
The Changing Places facility, located in the James Street toilet block, includes a range of features not available in standard accessible toilets, including a height adjustable adult sized change table, a tracking hoist system, non-slip flooring and more space to accommodate a person using a wheelchair and up to two carers.
The facility is secured by a universal key system, access to the facility can be gained through the purchase of a Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK). To be eligible for access to a MLAK members of the community must present a copy of one of the following:
- A letter from a Doctor
- A letter from a Disability Organisation
- A copy of your Disability Parking Permit
- A copy of your Disability Card
Keys can be purchased for a fee of $20 from the Council office at the Civic Centre or online at
Temporary keys can be loaned from the Mount Gambier Visitor Centre, Library and the Riddoch Arts and Cutural Centre for a bond of $20, proof of eligibility must be provided.
A MLAK enables 24/7 universal access to many of the Changing Places amenities across Australia. Further information about the Changing Places initiative is available at