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SGL to undertake demand analysis

SGL to undertake demand analysis
02 July 2018

City of Mount Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee at Olympic Park.
City of Mount Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee at Olympic Park.

The City of Mount Gambier continues to plan for the proposed $40million Mount Gambier Regional Sport and Recreation Centre as demand analysis begins.

Simply Great Leisure Consulting Group (SGL) has been contracted to complete a demand analysis to feed into the business case.

“In the coming week SGL will speak to key stakeholders including schools, sporting organisations and community groups to establish the level and type of demand within the community to help inform business modelling,” City of Mount Gambier City Growth General Manager Dr Judy Nagy said.

Council is committed to working alongside the community to ensure that the proposed development fulfils the needs and aspirations of all potential users.

It is recognised by all parties that the development of a multi-purpose facility is a significant undertaking and one that will require the collaboration and involvement of a range of stakeholders to realise. - City Growth General Manager Judy Nagy

SGL’s research is one component of an overall engagement strategy for the design phase of the project. The strategy also includes the establishment of the Mount Gambier Regional Sport and Recreation Centre Community Reference Group.

The Community Reference Group will play an important role in representing the community by providing input into the design, functionality and operations of the proposed $40million centre to ensure current and future needs of potential users are considered prior to the commencement of construction.

If you are interested in being involved in the Community Reference Group or would like more information visit or contact City of Mount Gambier Strategic Project Officer Danielle Leckie (08) 8721 2555. Applications close 5:00pm, Thursday 5 July 2018.

Council is currently seeking $20million in funds from the Federal Government's Regional Growth Fund to support the project. Council would need to provide an additional $10million and the State Government would also need to provide at least $10million to see it come to fruition.

Media contact: For further information please contact City of Mount Gambier Media and Communications Coordinator Sharny McLean on 8721 2401 or