Timber to be donated to National Trust of SA
19 August 2021
19 August 2021

City of Mount Gambier will donate a portion of the salvaged timber beams from the Railway Lands Roundhouse building to the National Trust of South Australia. The timber will be used for the repair and restoration of the Roundhouse building at Peterborough and follows a request from the Trust discussed at the August Council meeting.
In June 2018, Council accepted an offer from the Department of Infrastructure and Transport to obtain the salvaged timber beams from the Railway Lands Roundhouse building which was being demolished at the time.
“The timber beams have since been stored at the Council Works Depot and with the intent for the materials to be reused by Council in a way that preserves the Railway history,” City of Mount Gambier CEO Sarah Philpott said.
Council received a request from the National Trust in June for permission to use some of the beams and columns to replace sections of the Peterborough Roundhouse.
Council will work with the National Trust to ensure they have access to some of the timber to help restore the historic Roundhouse building at Peterborough.
The remaining salvaged timber will be set aside for a local community project.
“Council will keep a portion of the timber for a community related project reflecting the historical significance of our rail history,” Ms Philpott said.
Media contact: City of Mount Gambier Communications Officer Ashlea Watson on 08 8721 2577 or awatson@mountgambier.sa.gov.au