Katherine Kovacic to launch psychological thriller
29 May 2023
29 May 2023

Mount Gambier Library is hosting the launch of the psychological thriller Seven Sisters by author Katherine Kovacic on Tuesday 6 June 2023 at 7:00pm.
Seven Sisters is based on a group of women who meet at a therapy session for trauma counselling where each woman has lost a sister due to domestic violence.
“In each of these cases, the perpetrator wasn’t held to account; they had either gotten away with murder or with a sentence so light it was insulting. Those women are not only grieving but also very angry,” Ms Kovavic said.
Together, they come up with a plan to redress the balance by taking out the original perpetrators, exchanging the hits so that the woman who is connected to the crime has an alibi and the woman who carries out the hit has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Author Katherine Kovacic
Whist Seven Sisters is fiction, for Ms Kovacic, the seed for the story was to highlight violence against women.
“Domestic violence isn’t something that we talk about and the law is not working enough for women. We see time and time again in the media where women are scared for their life, they are being threatened, they are suffering domestic violence, and only after murder does the perpetrator go to jail. It’s murder in slow motion,” Ms Kovavic said.
“Domestic violence is a hidden epidemic in Australia where one woman a week is murdered by their current or former partner.”
Seven Sisters has received five star reviews and is described as an intense, morally ambiguous psychological thriller that will have you questioning your idea of justice and how far you would go to help others.
This is a free event with supper provided and books available for sale and signing on the night. Contact Mount Gambier Library 8721 2540 or book your seat online via the Library’s website.
Media contact: City of Mount Gambier Communications Officer Madeleine Brookes on 8721 2577 or mbrookes@mountgambier.sa.gov.au