Grab yourself a bargain book
24 June 2019
24 June 2019

Friends of the Mount Gambier Library will host the annual Big Book Sale on Saturday 6 July 2019 between 10:00am and 2:00pm.
It’s a chance to grab a bargain, with thousands of books for sale - some new, some old, all genres, for all ages, as well as plenty of CDs, DVDs, jigsaws, games and magazines.
“The public have been very generous dropping in donations over the past few weeks,” Team Leader Library Programs Kristi Leamey said.
Every spare space in the Library is full with items for sale, but we will happily accept more, so now is the time to clear out your cupboards and your spare rooms that are housing unwanted books, magazines etc. and drop them down to the Library prior to the sale weekend.- Team Leader Library Programs Kristi Leamey
This is the Friends of the Library’s major fundraiser, with proceeds going towards supporting Library resources, programs, events and services.
“Recent financial donations from Friends of the Library have seen the introduction of Sphero Robots and Piper Computers for our Tech Heads Club, the ScanNCut machine, a projector screen for the Library floor, expanding the audio book collection and the start of a Ukulele Club,” Ms. Leamey said.
“The Big Book Sale has proven to be the equivalent of a Boxing Day sale at a leading department store. There are plenty of bargains and some hidden treasures to discover.”
For further information please contact Team Leader Library Programs Kristi Leamey at