City of Mount Gambier is seeking community input to identify and understand the priorities for dog and cat management in Mount Gambier as Council develops the draft Dog and Cat Management Plan 2024 - 2028.
In South Australia, the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 governs the management of dogs and cats in the community. Section 26A of the Act requires local government to develop a Dog and Cat Management Plan within their local area every five years.“Council knows that the management of dogs and cats is important to our community. We acknowledge the strong bond that residents have with their pets, in particular dogs and cats,” General Manager Corporate and Regulatory Services Jane Fetherstonhaugh said. “The Dog and Cat Management Act is in place to encourage responsible dog and cat ownership, such as the importance of registration and microchipping. It also aims to reduce any public and environmental nuisance caused by dogs and cats.”The Dog and Cat Management Plan 2024 - 2028 will focus on priorities identified by the community and will provide a framework to deliver activities, services and programs to support dogs, cats, their owners and the community for the next five years.
For example, community priorities might include things like more pet appropriate facilities such as fenced areas for off leash exercise, or perhaps improvements to current dog facilities such as Hastings Cunningham Reserve. - General Manager Corporate and Regulatory Services Jane Fetherstonhaugh
“Council will also consult with key stakeholders as part of the plan to consider the relevant dog and cat management activities, responsibilities and opportunities applicable to our area. Council is committed to listening and responding to the feedback provided by our community,” Mrs Fetherstonhaugh said.The 2018-2023 Dog and Cat Management Plan is available to view online at Have Your Say Mount Gambier“Please look at the current plan and provide your feedback for inclusion in the new plan. You can complete a submission online at Have Your Say Mount Gambier, ask a question using the Q&A tool or email your feedback to”
Two public consultation forums will also be held at the Mount Gambier Library:
The community is invited to register their interest to attend by phoning our customer experience team on 8721 2555. All feedback on the draft Dog and Cat Management Plan 2024 - 2028 must be received by 5:00pm Monday 11 September 2023.
Media contact: City of Mount Gambier Media and Communications Coordinator Sharny McLean on 0413 798 327 or