"A volcanic past with a crystal clear future."
In 2035, Mount Gambier is a connected hub nestled on the slopes of an ancient volcano; a haven of natural beauty. It is a place of stories, where our community is family, nurtured through growth, opportunity and connection.
Five strategic priorities represent the key focus areas that will contribute to achieving our vision for the future:
- Environment and Liveability
- Learning and Innovation
- Infrastructure and Services
- Economic and Business Growth, and
- A Vibrant Community.
These priorities are underpinned by three key principles that should underpin our approach to everything we do: connected, accessible and sustainable. Supporting all of this is a statement of identity which is a summary of the stories, values and special qualities of what it means to be from 'the Mount' which is ultimately about belonging, a connection to place.
We invite all community members to read the Mount Gambier 2035 Community Vision and reflect on the roles we each play in bringing this vision to life.
The easy read version of the Mount Gambier 2035 Community Vision is available here.