- Animal Control A520 (46 KB)
- Animal Control - Dogs A515 (34 KB)
- Animal Management - Unclaimed Dogs (39 KB)
- Assemblies and Events on Streets and Other Council Land A240 (41 KB)
- Asset Accounting (161 KB)
- Asset Management A900 (68 KB)
- Behavioural Management (181 KB)
- Budget Policy B300 (185 KB)
- Cemeteries - Carinya Gardens and Lake Terrace Cemetery C120 (35 KB)
- Citizen of the Year Awards formerly A270 Australia Day Awards (33 KB)
- City Burning F125 (33 KB)
- Code of Practice for Meeting Procedures (253 KB)
- Community Consultation and Engagement Policy P195 (112 KB)
- Community Land Reserves Lease Licence Rental Arrangements R200 (40 KB)
- Corporate Branding and Identity C700 (524 KB)
- Council Chamber and Reception Area Use of C320 (26 KB)
- Council Election Caretaker Policy formerly C305 Caretaker Policy (163 KB)
- Council Land Irrigation Policy C355 (48 KB)
- Council Members Allowances and Benefits M405 (183 KB)
- Disposal of Land and Assets (96 KB)
- Dual Naming (55 KB)
- Elections Council Entitlement to Vote E115 (23 KB)
- Emergency Management (98 KB)
- Employees Service Awards Gifts as Resignation Retirement E200 - Temporarily Suspended (62 KB)
- Encroachments Protection of Public During Building and Maintenance Works E135 (1.85 MB)
- Entertainment Venues P135 (38 KB)
- External Grant Funding (86 KB)
- Fencing Costs Contributions by Council F110 (36 KB)
- Fencing of Stormwater Retention Basins S115 (32 KB)
- Flags Protocol F140 (310 KB)
- Flammable Undergrowth F135 (32 KB)
- Footways and Council Land Fundraising and Promotion F510 (46 KB)
- Footways and Council Land Removal of Objects F500 (44 KB)
- Footways and Council Land Sale of Commodities F505 (47 KB)
- Footways and Crossovers F175 (492 KB)
- Footways Paving in City Centre Zone F190 (32 KB)
- Fraud Corruption Misconduct and Maladministration Prevention Policy F225 (127 KB)
- Grants and Sponsorship (88 KB)
- Illumination of Assets (74 KB)
- Information Security (44 KB)
- Internal Audit (189 KB)
- Internal Controls (107 KB)
- Internal Review of Councils Decisions C290 (87 KB)
- Land Divisions L130 (380 KB)
- Library Collection Development (45 KB)
- Licensed Premises L230 (34 KB)
- Media Statements on behalf of Council M130 (27 KB)
- Members Mayor Anniversary Messages M205 (128 KB)
- Members Mayor Seeking Legal Advice M270 (87 KB)
- Members Training Development Policy M500 (142 KB)
- Memorials (49 KB)
- On site Waste Water Systems (59 KB)
- Order Making O110 (72 KB)
- Political Neutrality and Government Relations (116 KB)
- Privacy P155 (133 KB)
- Procurement (112 KB)
- Provision of Loans or Guarantees to Community Groups P910 - Temporarily Suspended (89 KB)
- Prudential Management P415 (62 KB)
- Public Interest Disclosure P900 (149 KB)
- Rates Rating R105 (117 KB)
- Rates Rebate R155 (120 KB)
- Records Management R180 (80 KB)
- Request for Service and Complaint Policy C200 (182 KB)
- Riddoch Arts and Cultural Centre Hire (27 KB)
- Risk Management (93 KB)
- Road Pavement Excavation and Reinstatement Of R270 (1.87 MB)
- S92 Code of Practice for Access to Meetings and Documents (104 KB)
- Street Numbering S140 (35 KB)
- Street Signs Directional Tourist and Other Scenic Facility Signs S120 (56 KB)
- Streets Naming of S135 (107 KB)
- Supplementary Elections S400 (49 KB)
- Treasury Management T150 (73 KB)
- Tree Policy T120 (142 KB)
- Unsolicited Proposals U900 (177 KB)
- Unreasonable Conduct Policy (311 KB)
- Volunteer Management (51 KB)
- Waste Management Kerbside Refuse Collection W125 (324 KB)
- Waste Management Receival of Waste Caroline Landfill W115 (34 KB)