Ordinary meetings of Council
Council has determined that ordinary meetings of Council will be held on the third Tuesday each month, in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, 10 Watson Terrace Mount Gambier, commencing at 6:00pm unless otherwise amended or altered by Council.
View the Council meeting calendar.
Agendas of all meetings (with the exception of Special Meetings) are placed on public display no less than three clear days prior to meetings with minutes on display within five days after a meeting.
Agendas and minutes of all Council meetings can be accessed here.
You can request in writing the opportunity to address Council, known as a ‘deputation’. Deputation requests need to be submitted to the Council 5 days prior to the next Council meeting. The Mayor will give final approval for a deputation to be presented.
Deputations provide an opportunity for community members or interested persons to present a matter to the attention of the Council. The subject matter of the presentation must be within the power of council to consider, or is a matter that council is willing to advocate for.
The Local Government (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2013 governs the conduct of a deputation.
A person or persons wishing to make a deputation at a meeting must deliver a written request to Council via:
- Post: PO Box 56, Mount Gambier SA 5290
- Email: city@mountgambier.sa.gov.au
- In person: Civic Centre, 10 Watson Terrace, Mount Gambier SA 5290.
A petition is a document with the names, signatures and addresses of a group of people who have a common issue of concern or idea to bring to council for consideration.
Petitions must be:
- legibly written, typed, or printed,
- clearly set out the request or submission of the petitioners,
- include the name and address of each person who signed or endorsed the petition, and
- be addressed to the council and delivered to the principal office of the council.
Please note that if your petition does not meet the requirements mentioned above, it will not be accepted as a petition.
A petition will need to be submitted with a cover letter to the Chief Executive Officer via:
- Post: PO Box 56, Mount Gambier SA 5290
- Email: city@mountgambier.sa.gov.au
- In person: Civic Centre, 10 Watson Terrace, Mount Gambier SA 5290.